Interdisciplinary INZPiRO team cares for the right balance between pharmacological treatment and psycho- and socio-therapeutic methods

Institute of Mental Health and Personality Development – INZPiRO is a private institution rendering professional psychiatric, psychotherapeutic and psychological help. We help those who have found themselves in a difficult life situation: personal, family, social. We help also those who search for ways of personal development, who thirst for knowledge of their capabilities and want to cross their limitations.

The idea of INZPiRO is to suit a programme of therapy and development to individual needs of a person entering our institute.

Interdisciplinary INZPiRO team cares for the right balance between pharmacological treatment and psycho- and socio-therapeutic methods.

We do not perceive reasons, which bring a patient to INZPiRO, as a limitation, but as a starting point to possibilities of further development.

WE OFFER a multi-dimensional assistance. INZPiRO team along with a patient will determine whether a problem needs to be solved:

  • through consultation,
  • through therapy.

INZPIRO offers you:

    • psychiatric consultations for adults,
    • consultations with dietician,
    • individual psychotherapy for adults and adolescents.WE TREAT disorders such as:
      • insomnia and other sleep disorders,
      • depression,
      • anxiety disorders,
      • social phobia,
      • personality disorders,
      • mental disorders of old age,
      • neurosis,
      • eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia),
      • overweight, obesity.


WE INVITE to a consultation people who:

        • feel professionally burned out;
        • do not handle conflicts at home or at work;
        • do not handle their own anger, aggression and anxiety,
        • experience helplessness, shame or embarrassment difficult to bear;
        • experience piercing sense of loss (for example, after losing a job);
        • cannot handle the mourning;
        • have a feeling, that they satisfy their needs irrationally (for example, they spend money unreasonably, they eat too much).INZPiRO reception desk is open daily from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 9 pm.Our experts also consult patients on some Saturdays.We work in a comfortable place close to UN Roundabout, in the centre of Warsaw, 72, Sienna Str. Our place is disabled-friendly.
          ph. +48 22 654 09 47
          ph. +48 22 654 09 74
